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In Shandong丨青岛红瓦:城市变迁的见证者

发布日期:2025-01-04 11:44    点击次数:173

  “三面郁葱环碧海,一山高下尽红楼。”如果说“碧海蓝天”是青岛市的颜值天赋,那么“红瓦绿树”便是这座城市让人流连忘返的美学生态和文化血脉。  “Three sides are embraced by verdant seas, one mountain is adorned with towering red mansions.”While the blue skies and azure seas represent Qingdao’s innate beauty, the red tiles and green trees embody her captivating aesthetic ecology and cultural heritage.  青岛红瓦是一张绘满历史的老画卷。在青岛城市化早期,曾有过延续使用青砖、黑瓦的模式,直到1901年租借地《城市规划》出台,明确规定此后建筑屋顶不再使用瓦楞铁,一概改用红色陶土瓦。由此奠定了青岛百余年的城市基调与色彩。  The red tiles of Qingdao are like old paintings steeped in history. During the early stages of urbanization in Qingdao, the use of blue bricks and black tiles prevailed. It was not until 1901, with the introduction of the lease “Urban Planning”, that it was explicitly stated that corrugated iron roofs should be abandoned and replaced with red clay tiles for all future constructions. This decision laid the foundation of urban tone and color palette in Qingdao for over a century.  那个时期的青岛,德国式的红色屋顶与高耸的塔楼高低相衬,错落有致,红砖取代了中国常见的青砖,建筑外墙以灰泥抹面后涂上明快的颜色——红色屋顶、黄色海滩、绿树、蓝天、碧海,五种颜色相协调,呈现一种令人心旷神怡的异域情调。  During that time in Qingdao, German-style red roofs and towering spires contrasted with each other in height. The blue bricks common seen in China were replaced by red bricks, and building exteriors were adorned with vibrant colors - red roofs, yellow beaches, green trees, blue skies, and azure seas. The harmonious blend of these five colors created an exotic and delightful ambiance.  在21世纪初,为了迎接2008年奥运会,全国很多城市对其建筑风貌进行了保护和恢复。比如北京要凸显“灰色调”的古城风韵,而青岛则主打红色系,给老楼统一“戴红帽”,呈现西洋格调,所以在青岛,这次改造又被称为“红顶工程”。  In the early 21st century, in preparation for the 2008 Olympics, many cities across the country undertook efforts to preserve and restore their architectural charm. While Beijing aimed to accentuate its ancient city charm with a "gray tone", Qingdao opted for a predominant red color scheme, adorning old buildings with a unified "red hat" to present a Western style. This urban renewal project in Qingdao came to be known as the "Red Roof Project".  近年来,青岛的相关规划也着力传承和维护着“红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天”的色彩基底:重点控制建筑的屋顶和外墙色彩,新建建筑的色彩应与整体风貌相协调的同时保持丰富性;历史文化街区核心保护范围内,建筑宜采用以红瓦、黄墙和石材本色为主的整体色调;滨海区域高层建筑鼓励采用无色或低纯度幕墙色,与碧海、蓝天自然色彩相协调。  In recent years, Qingdao's urban planning has focused on inheriting and preserving the color foundation of "red tiles, green trees, azure seas, and blue skies" . Emphasis is placed on controlling the colors of building roofs and exteriors, ensuring that new constructions harmonize with the overall urban landscape while maintaining diversity; in protected historical and cultural districts, buildings are encouraged to adopt a color scheme dominated by the original colors of red tiles, yellow walls, and natural stone. In coastal areas, high-rise buildings are encouraged to use colorless or low-purity curtain walls to harmonize with the natural colors of the azure seas and blue skies.  建筑不曾老去,岁月永远年轻。栖息在建筑高处,被岁月温柔以待的红瓦,已成为青岛最独特的建筑符号、城市变迁沉浮中最有力的见证者。  Buildings may age, but they forever remain youthful in the passage of time. Perched high atop these structures, the red tiles, gently embraced by the passage of time, have evolved into Qingdao's most distinctive architectural symbol, bearing witness to the city's ever-changing transformation.  无限工作室  视频:周溪琳  文案:武玮佳、徐立璇(实习编辑)  配音:武玮佳  策划:魏鹏 辛然  (部分素材来源:央视、好客山东、青岛市文化和旅游局、青岛市档案馆、海报新闻、半岛网、信网、青岛新闻网、掌上城阳等)